Note Blocks

Note blocks allows for calling out content in note like fashion. The note type context is configurable through the options passed to the markdown extension.

A note block is delimited by three exclamation points. The beginning exclamation point also includes the note type.

The configuration for the notes has a prefix and postfix template strings which can be templated using any of the provided Template Adapters template renderers or with a custom renderer. The default renderer uses standard Python str.format() substitutions for templating.


String which prefix the note block text. This can be templated using any of the provided Template Adapters template renderers or with a custom renderer.
String which will be appended to the note block text. This can be templated using any of the provided Template Adapters template renderers or with a custom renderer.
A dict of tag names which are also dicts of configuration. The keys and values will be used as template context for the prefix and postfix templates. The tag key will additionally be added to this with a key of tag.
The name of a tag to use as the default if the markdown string specifies one which is not configured in the tags dict.


In documents

!!! MUST
hello world!

!!! MAY
I have a custom prefix and postfix

I will look like MUST was specified


config = {
    'docdown.note_blocks': {
        'prefix': ('<div class="{tag}">\n<div class="icon">\n{{% svg "{svg}" %}}'
                   '<img class="icon--pdf" src="{{% static "{svg_path}" %}}">\n</div>\n<h5>{title}</h5>'),
        'postfix': '</div>',
        'default_tag': 'must',
        'tags': {
            'must': {
                'svg': 'standard/icon-must',
                'svg_path': 'svg/standard/icon-must.svg',
                'title': 'Must',
            'may': {
                'svg': 'standard/icon-may',
                'svg_path': 'svg/standard/icon-may.svg',
                'title': 'May',
                'prefix': ('<div class="custom-prefix {tag}">\n<div class="icon">\n{{% svg "{svg}" %}}'
                           '<img class="icon--pdf" src="{{% static "{svg_path}" %}}">\n</div>\n<h5>{title}</h5>'),
                'postfix': '<span>Custom Postfix</span></div>',

text = ('!!! MUST\n'
        'hello world\n'
        '!!! MAY\n'
        'I have a custom prefix and postfix\n'
        '!!! DEFAULT\n'
        'I will look like MUST was specified\n'

html = markdown.markdown(


<div class="must">
<div class="icon">
{% svg "standard/icon-must" %}<img class="icon--pdf" src="{% static "svg/standard/icon-must.svg" %}">

<p>hello world</p>

<div class="custom-prefix may">
<div class="icon">
{% svg "standard/icon-may" %}<img class="icon--pdf" src="{% static "svg/standard/icon-may.svg" %}">

<p>I have a custom prefix and postfix</p>
<span>Custom Postfix</span></div>

<div class="must">
<div class="icon">
{% svg "standard/icon-must" %}<img class="icon--pdf" src="{% static "svg/standard/icon-must.svg" %}">

<p>I will look like MUST was specified</p>